Healthy Good News A New Study From A Leading University In Sweden ...
Could Help Reduce tudy from Sweden now reports that eating chocolate may help reduce the risk of stroke. A team of research scientists analyzed the dietary intake of 37,103 men for more than 10 years, during which 1,995 incidents of stroke were recorded. Men in the top one-quarter of chocolate consumption (averaging 2.2 ounces per week equivalent to between 1.5 and 2 candy bars) were 17% less likely to suffer a stroke than those in the lowest group, those averaging no chocolate consumption. However, men with a history of high blood pressure did not see a lower risk with greater chocolate intake. The Swedish scientists also performed a meta-analysis of 5 studies, including their new study, and found a similar association between chocolate and lower stroke risk among women as well as men. "Flavonoids in chocolate may be protective against cardiovascular disease through antioxidant, antiplatelet, and anti-inflammatory effects," the researchers concluded.
Story Source:
Neurology Sweden
Journal Reference: American Journal of Neurology