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Alternative Health


Many doctors continue to label alternative medicine "quackery" because proof of its effectiveness is lacking,  and the way the techniques work is often a mystery. Doctors are understandably turned off by seemingly irrational methods like reflexology (which treats the entire body through the foot) and by the mystical explanations offered for various techniques ("increases energy flow" is a common one) that cannot be observed or measured.

Still, millions of people attest to the benefits of the 101 plus alternative therapies that are said to be in use in this country such as mediation, yoga,

What critics often ignore is that many mainstream techniques, including most forms of surgery, also were never subjected to the acid test of science: the double-blind controlled clinical trial. Forgotten is that many mainstream remedies, including aspirin and penicillin, became widely used long before experts knew how they worked.

Responsible practitioners of alternative medicine do not claim, for example, that they can cure cancer or multiple sclerosis. Rather, they believe their methods can marshal forces in the body that may help combat illness in concert with conventional medicine.

The biggest danger of alternative medicine the temptation to abandon conventional medicine.

Stress and its sidekick muscular tension are common causes of pain and so-called functional complaints (that is, ailments for which no physical cause can be found). Or muscular tension may result from pain and increase its intensity. This is why relaxation-inducers like massage, yoga, meditation, deep breathing, therapeutic touch, Reiki, tai chi, and the posture and movement techniques have won so many converts.




The ancient therapy known as acupressure evolved from the same roots as the other Oriental health practices of Acupuncture and Shiatsu. The oriental medical view of health describes how the body works in terms of its ENERGY or Qi (pronounced CHEE). Below are some simple at home acupressure therapies for you to use with some of you common ailments:

SORE THROAT - Apply pressure to the outside corner of the thumbnail bed. Then apply pressure to the tender point in the web between the thumb and index finger.

MENSTRUAL PAIN - Apply pressure below the inside of the knee joint, between the calf muscle and the tibia.

PREMENSTRUAL DISCOMFORT - Apply pressure to the furrow on top of the foot between the first and second toes.

INSOMNIA - Apply pressure to 4 finger widths above the inside ankle bone just behind the Tibia.

HEADACHE - Apply pressure to the base of the skull in the hairline, in the hollow between the neck muscles, behind the bony prominence behind the ear.

STRESS - Apply pressure to the point between the thumb and index finger on the back of the hand. Do not use this point during PREGNANCY.

SINUSITIS - Apply pressure to either side of the nostrils.

To apply pressure to these points use your fingertips or thumb in a circular motion, or "pumping" in and out, for about 2 minutes.

Acupressure involves many different techniques for stimulating pressure points. These are a few and it is recommended that if you do choose Oriental Medicine that you seek out a professional acupuncturist or acupressurist for chronic, questionable or extreme health problems. To Find Out More About Stretching CLICK HERE: ACUPRESSURE


This is a vastly underrated method of improving health and avoiding injuries. Simple stretching during the day while sitting or standing can enhance circulation, heart health, lung capacity and mental clarity. A simple stretch could  be to extend your arms and spread your fingers apart as wide as you can for 5 - 10 seconds. Work up slowly to more difficult stretches as your body becomes more capable. To Find Out More About Stretching CLICK HERE: STRETCHING


The science of conscious breathing or breath work is not taught in medical schools, yet references to the practice of breathing techniques are found through history. Here are two conscious techniques for you to try.

Observe The Breath - sit in a comfortable position with eyes closed. Focus your attention on your breathing without trying to influence it in any way. Have your mind follow the breathing cycle through inhalation and exhalation. See if you can perceive the points at which one phase changes into another. Your goal, no matter how the breath changes, is to keep your attention on observing the breath cycle.

BE BREATHED - Lie on your back so doing this before sleep or when you wake is good. Close your eyes, relax and rest comfortably. Now imagine with each inhalation the universe is blowing breath into you and with each exhalation withdrawing it. You are a passive recipient of breath. As the universe breathes you feel the breath penetrating every part of your body - to the tips of your fingers and toes. Try to hold this perception through 10 cycles of inhalation and exhalation.


Reiki is the laying of hands touch healing system. This act of laying hands on the human or animal body to comfort and relieve pain is as old as instinct itself. In Reiki, energy is diverted from running through the body of the Reiki healer to being placed and focused where it is needed in the body. While Reiki is an ancient healing system the traditional Reiki story begins in the mid 1800's with Mikao Usui who was principal of the Doshisha University in Kyoto, Japan.

Today Reiki boasts tens of thousands of practitioners across five continents and is practiced in hospitals, nursing homes, delivery rooms and clinics by doctors and nurses. To Find Out More About Reiki CLICK HERE: REIKI


Since the dawn of recorded history, plants have been the primary source of medicine for people. The plants are the major source of medicine in most countries. Herbs are plants which are food and can be used as medicines. In this society we tend to think of food and medicines as separate and distinct things. Aspirin and carrots are very different things to us. But this idea of food and medicine being different is not so in countries where there are no medicines or drug stores. In many countries such as Africa and South America, their food is their medicine.

The difference between herbal therapy and medicine is well stated by Dr. Edward E. Shook in his Advanced Treatise on Herbology:  "Orthodox medicine attempts to cure by killing an infection with powerful, inorganic drugs or by the injection of serums or vaccines... The herbalist or natural healer recognizes that the health problems, excluding trauma, are the result of a violation of the laws of nature and that illness and imbalance cannot exist for a length of time in or on tissue whose life and vitality is high"

In the United States the legal definition of a drug is anything that affects the structure or function of the body and is sold for the cure, prevention, treatment, or mitigation of a disease. Of course, foods may affect the structure and function of the body, but they do not become drugs unless they are sold for curing, preventing or treating disease. if this provision were not the law, then all food would be drugs, since all foods affect the structure or function of the body. 



For men there is a terrific herbal remedy for impotence and erectile dysfunction that is becoming very popular world wide. With increasing stress and demands of life, more and more men are looking for a remedy that will increase testosterone naturally and improve stamina and endurance in all physical activities. MACA has become the #1 choice for those who have tried it and swear by its effectiveness. You can read more about it here. Men's Health Issues

For women who are experiencing perimenopause or menopause symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, loss of sexual desire etc., the same MACA is also a very exciting herb. The menopause experience can be a very freighting experience. The Menopause Experience is a change in life that is not favorable but that can be helped along with the correct herbs. Women who have tried Black Cohosh or Soy remedies and who are not satisfied, will really appreciate MACA, which has no known side effects. Women's Health Issues


Taking a quality multiple vitamin formula can reduce your colon cancer risk by 51% According to Dr. Edward Giovannucci, M.D., assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School in Boston. This and other qualified statements about the benefits of taking vitamin supplements are being heard more and more from mainstream medicine.

It is being recommended that women take 400iu of Vitamin E a day to reduce their risk of breast cancer. It is possible that vitamin supplements are becoming more necessary  because of our increased intake of processed foods, our toxic environment, and the increasing amounts of emotional stress we incur due to a hectic lifestyle.


The word yoga means a concept of discipline leading to union. The body and the mind form a continuum of consciousness and life that, achieving a state of focus and clarity, may become one. There are two general forms of Yoga. One concentrates on posture and alignment and the other on mental control by quieting the mind of it's busy random job of chattering in a persons head. each method uses stretching postures, breathing, and meditation techniques to calm the mind and emotions, and tone the body.

Information on this site is provided for informational purposes and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professional. You should not use the information contained herein for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing any medication. You should read carefully all product packaging. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provider.

Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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