May Be A Very Powerful Reliever
of Hot Flashes & Libido Booster For Both Women & Men - The HRT
Alternative That Is Sweeping The Planet Like No Other Herb!
Find Out
What Maca Is Used For? |
Menopausal Symptoms:
Significantly reduces hot flashes, tender breasts, night sweats,
sleeplessness, emotional upsets, vaginal dryness.
May Improve
bone rebuilding, improvement in bone density.
Energy Booster:
Balance the
endocrine system - thyroid, pituitary and adrenal glands.
Libido Booster:
female and male libido
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome:
Improve adrenal function
Menstrual Problems:
with painful periods, PMS, flooding and/or scant flow
using MACA report increased energy levels, increased ability to
function under stress, increased libido and the elimination of
hot flashes and night sweats.
The most recent study about MACA (Lepidium meyenii) was
published in the April 2000 issue of Urology, the prestigious
medical journal that first published the Viagra studies. This
study scientifically demonstrated that Maca promotes libido,
sexual potency and energy. In fact, the sexual activity of the
test subjects nearly quadrupled after taking the herb for 21
MACA balances and normalizes hormone levels and is an
herb that works for both men and women. One clinical study
published in the USA in an April, 2000 medical journal has
demonstrated that Maca does indeed increase sexual activity and
This herb encourages the body to produce healthy levels of
whatever hormone is required to get the job done. So, if a man
is experiencing the problems of declining testosterone or a
lower sex drive - sometimes referred to as male menopause -
Imperial Gold Maca™ enables his body increase its production of testosterone.
Women entering menopause often complain of a loss of sexual
desire. This common complaint can be accompanied by vaginal
dryness. Lubricants are messy and require preparation at a time
of life when spontaneity and freedom should be increasing. Women
using Imperial Gold Maca™ are always surprised by their rising libido.
This result is related to their increasingly balanced levels of
hormones. Imperial Gold Maca™ affects all hormone levels.
Herbal Alternative To HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy)
is a root-like vegetable shaped like a radish that grows high in
the Andes mountains. The natives use it as both a food and
medicine. Maca has found its way to the USA where many thousands
of women are using it because of its unique ability to improve
libido and stop hot flashes, night sweats and fatigue.
It is important to remember that Maca does not itself contain
any hormones, but its action on the body jolts the pituitary
gland into producing the precursor hormones which ultimately end
up raising estrogen, progesterone and testosterone levels, as
well as helping to balance the adrenal glands, the thyroid and
the pancreas. This occurs naturally while increasing energy.
Imperial Gold Maca™
is A Very Potent Maca Root
has been known to work by raising estrogen, progesterone and
testosterone levels naturally as well as helping the adrenal
glands to balance the thyroid and pancreas.
Maca has been used by Peruvians for countless centuries, from
before the time of the Incas. Seldom does an herb used by native
people for thousands of years come to our attention and it seems
so important to health that we wonder how we ever got along
without it before.
The pharmaceutical giant - American Home Products is devastated
by the outcome of the Premarin® Study. What is Premarin(e)?
Premarine stands for Pregnant Mares' Urine (PREgnant
urINE). Most women who thought they were safe from the negative
impact of declining hormones during menopause were left to
scramble for an answer to the health issues that accompany
menopause: hot flashes, night sweats, fatigue, and heart
disease. (Health authorities in the USA will now require
drugs containing estrogen to carry warning labels about heart
attack, stroke, blood clots and breast cancer).
who wants to take horse urine and increase their risk of cancer?
In 1997, a number of women began using a South American herb
called Maca. Because this herb was sold only by two small
companies that were run by women who had a strong interest in
South American herbs, Maca never received the attention it was
due, however Maca has quietly become the simple secret of tens
of thousands of women.
Imperial Gold Maca™ eases the sudden menopausal drop-off of hormones down
to a much slower decline thus preventing those uncomfortable
symptoms of menopause.
Dr. Hugo Malispina, M.D., the Peruvian cardiologist who
practices alternative medicine, believes the earlier the better
when it comes to adding maca to a woman's diet, especially in
the 40s prior to menopause.
Women experiencing the irregular menses associated with PMS and
perimenopause are now taking Maca to reduce cramps, bleeding and
fatigue. These beneficial effects accumulate with prolonged use
of Imperial Gold Maca™.
Most women report a decrease in the symptoms associated with
PMS. When menopause arrives the ovaries are atrophied and do not
produce the estrogen and progesterone which the body requires
minimally to function. For this reason, women should start with
Maca before menopause. It seems to help the endocrine system to
stay in balance.
What Doctors Say As Supporting Evidence for Maca
Gabriel Cousens, M.D., practicing internal medicine in
Patagonia, Arizona, says, "Whenever possible, I prefer to use
maca therapy rather than hormone replacement therapy because HRT
actually ages the body diminishing the hormone by reducing the
production capability of the glands. Maca has proven to be very
effective with menopausal patients in eliminating hot flashes
and depression. It also increases energy levels. Sometimes I
have started the patient on maca treatment with three capsules a
day. In some cases I have increased the dosage to six capsules a
day for full effectiveness."
Dr. Malaspina, M.D., frequently prescribes Maca to women
experiencing premenstrual discomfort or menopausal symptoms.
"There are different medicinal plants that work on the ovaries
by stimulating them," he says. "With Maca though, we should say
that it regulates the ovarian function." Dr. Malaspina further
notes that "Maca regulates the organs of internal secretion,
such as the pituitary, the adrenal glands, and the pancreas. I
have had perhaps two hundred female patients whose
perimenopausal and menopausal symptoms are alleviated by taking
Henry Camponile, M.D., of St. Petersburg, Florida states that
his first menopausal patient "started to feel better four days
after she began taking Maca", and finds that it promotes energy
unlike any other herb he has used.
Dr. John Lichtenstein, M.D. acupuncturist and Family Medicine
practitioner, agrees that Maca is an herb that is of great
benefit to women.
Dr. Richard H. Brown, M.D. author of the best selling book about
alternative herbal treatments for depression, STOP DEPRESSION
NOW, says that Maca holds great promise for the health and
well-being of women.
It is normal for the initial number of capsules of Imperial Gold
required to eliminate hot flashes, increase energy or maintain a
healthy state of hormonal balance to decrease with continued
use. For example, a woman using a beginning amount of 6 - 8
capsules a day to eliminate hot flashes may find that after 3
weeks she only needs 3 - 5 capsules a day to achieve the same

IMPERIAL GOLD MACA™ 600mg 100 capsules $19.89
IMPERIAL GOLD MACA™ Bulk Powder 4 oz $14.89
Is The Only Maca Product That
Can Be Called
The Peruvian Miracle™
100% Natural - Premium Potent Quality Guaranteed!
Imperial Gold is growing in world popularity due to its energizing
effects, fertility enhancement and aphrodisiac qualities. Other
traditional uses include increasing energy, stamina and
endurance in athletes, promoting mental clarity, treating male
impotence, and helping with menstrual irregularities and female
hormonal imbalances including menopause and chronic fatigue
syndrome. It is used as an alternative to anabolic steroids by
bodybuilders due to its richness in sterols.
Today, dried Maca
roots are ground to powder and sold in drug stores in capsules
as a medicine and food supplement to increase stamina and
fertility. In Peruvian herbal medicine, Maca is also used as an immuno-stimulant, for anemia, tuberculosis, menstrual disorders,
menopause symptoms, stomach cancer, sterility and other
reproductive and sexual disorders as well as to enhance memory.
We highly recommend maca for anyone recovering from a
debilitating illness. It is easily digested and its naturally
high mineral and sterol content make it ideal for helping the
body to regain weight and vitality. There have, for example,
been many reports of it helping people who are recovering from
chronic fatigue syndrome. Due to its sterol content, maca has
also attracted the attention of many health-conscious athletes
who wish to increase endurance, stamina and body mass in a safe
and effective way. The increase is more gradual than that
obtained through using banned substances such as anabolic
steroids, but it is a natural weight gain that does not carry
with it potential harm to the health. Another effect that has
been noted by many people is that when taken regularly maca
greatly increases the vitality of the body.
For additional support,We strongly urge clinicians and
researchers in the United States, UK and Canada to further study
Maca for the relief of menopause so more women can benefit from
this herb. Here is a link to a wonderful site about this.
Additional Information Estrogen and Progestin ( Prempro®
or Premarin® + Provera® Pros: Reduces hot flashes and vaginal dryness. May slow
bone loss in some women. Cons: Causes breakthrough bleeding,
mood swings, fluid retention. Significantly increases risk of
breast and uterine cancer. Selective Estrogen Reuptake
Modulators (SERMs, notably Evista® Pros: Unlike older HRT
drugs, SERMs do not seem to boost risk of breast cancer. Cons:
Increases hot flashes, boosts risk for serious blood clots in
the legs, lungs or eyes, especially for sedentary women. Can
cause severe leg cramps. Estrogen Used Vaginally (Vagifem®, Estring®, Estrace® Pros: Reduces vaginal dryness. Cons:
Has no effect on hot flashes. Headache, abdominal pain and
vaginal pain / irritation have been reported. Estrogen Patches ( Estracomb®, Vivelle® Pros: Convenient drug delivery
through skin patch. Reduces hot flashes and vaginal dryness.
Cons: Can cause skin irritation at the patch site. May cause
nausea and vomiting. Other side effects are similar to those
from HRT pills: breakthrough bleeding, fluid retention and mood
Vaginal Dryness
For additional help with vaginal dryness, you may consider
that as you get older, many only think of sex as penile-vaginal
intercourse. Sex can be any method used to promote physical
pleasure and/or orgasm, including oral or manual stimulation.
Oral stimulation, for at least 30 minutes can help lubricate the
vagina and ease any discomfort. Soy products can help eliminate
vaginal dryness in many women. Place a Vitamin E gel capsule in
the vagina. It will naturally dissolve and lubricate the vagina.
Aloe Vera Gel
is helpful to soothe and lubricate a dry vagina. Apply inside
the lips and up into the vagina.
