frequent illness found in children from developing countries is
malnutrition. In relation to this, Dr. Gloria Chacon and Dr. Jorge
Aguila Calderon, in the National Course of Maca II, Huancayo, 3-5 of
December 1998 demonstrated: “In the beginning of 1997 we had carried
out observations in a span of one month, to children of 1 to 6 years of
age; giving them small doses of MACA root in boiled extract form or
micro pulverized, obtaining excellent results. This way we have been
able to observe that in a short period of time and in small quantities,
MACA can improve the state of anemia, and the regulation of hours of
sleep in most delicate cases. Following observations of one month after
the use of MACA, results have shown a clear recuperation in children
with low levels of hemoglobin.”
According to Dr. Chacon, it is necessary to emphasize the action of the alkaloids, which are proteins, and iron of the MACA that can be utilized to combat anemia and act as stimulants for the formation of red blood cells. They could equally be used to fight infirmities like leukemia. MACA is also recommended to aid with respiratory infirmities, and rheumatism. Another great thing about MACA is that it is an "adaptogen", meaning that it works in harmony with the body, regardless of your age or sex. PROPER
DOSAGE FOR CHILDREN This study has been carried out due to the collaboration of Dr. Hugo Vizcarra, who reviewed the hematological exams made by Dr. Gloria Chacon de Popovici, and provided her with the Clinical Analysis Laboratory to carry out the hematological analysis. Additional thanks goes to Ms. Maria, Laboratory Technician, Geological Engineer Oscar Palacios, Institute Director of INGEMMET of Geology, Chemical Engineer Rufo Paredes Pacheco, Laboratory Director of INGEMMET, and also his assistants: Maria Jara, Chemical Analysist, Maritza Rodriguez, Bachelor in Chemical Engineering, and Technicians Marcial Neto and Wimper Bazan, for their valuable cooperation in the chemical analysis of the MACA root. This study has been conducted with Dr. Chacon's individual resources. This information can be found in: The Nutritional Value of MACA in Anemic Kids due to Malnutrition, Dr Gloria Chacon de Popovici, and Dr. Jorge Aguila Calderon; National Course of MACA II, Huancayo, Dec.3-Dec.5, 1998.